Promotional Tips 11…20…

(11) Sponsor a Client’s Event.
Sponsoring a client’s event can get your name out to all of the client’s contacts as well as remind your client that you are a valuable resource to them.

(12) Offer Free Consultations to Potential Customers.
Sometimes just offering the free consultation will land you the job, however, sometimes it won’t. When a client meets with you, you already have your foot in the door, so I think that it is worth the risk (if you are just starting out that is). Continue reading

Promotional Tips

Hey i’m back with some of the top promotional tips, what a designer can do for you!

(1) Give Away FreeStuff with Your Design Business’s Name and Contact Information.
Go to where your target customers hang out and set up a booth or table. Give out some FreeStuff and a flyer or leaflet as well. Some examples of freebies include free magnets, rubber bands, rulers, note pads, etc. All of these items should have your information printed on them.

(2) Free Demonstrations of Your Services.
Go to local print shops, office supply stores, and other local stores and offer to give free demonstrations of your services. You can also offer lessons as well. Continue reading