These days will be the Correct time for any Job within Graphics

Best Graphic Designs

Graphic design is a area that is certainly rising in choices for attractively innovative heads. Along with brand-new internet sites
sprouting up with the countless numbers every day, it makes sense that will now could be time for you to be considered a graphic designer. All it requires might be a inventive sparkle as well as a determination to take a position some time directly into understanding the programming required to turn your own layout skillsets perfectly into a a lot more technological effort.graphic design

For those who have deemed work inside graphics as well as this really is something you might find exciting seeing that
you’ve heard regarding it, perhaps you would likely think about getting a web based training course as well as a pair of to familiarize yourself with a few of the popular computer software in neuro-scientific graphics.

Once you have figured out a bit…

View original post 224 more words

The Importance of a Design Proposal

Elisabeth on Earth Blog

Yikes! It’s your first time hiring a professional designer, and you have no idea what to expect. It can be nerve-racking. A good designer should be sympathetic to this and take the lead by enlightening you on the details. But don’t just talk it over on the phone; get it in writing! Make sure a designer gives you a proposal that explains each step of the design process. How many designs will you get? How many rounds of edits? Will your project be finished in time for your product launch? If you say yes to the deal, is the designer willing to offer a timeline for your project, showing suggested deadlines for each step? When both parties know exactly what to expect, potentially deal-breaking miscommunications and frustrations can be easily avoided. Bonus points if the designer has any insightful methods beyond a conversation that is aimed at bridging communication gaps to ensure you get…

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How Does the Design Process Work?

Elisabeth on Earth Blog

If you’ve never hired a designer before, it might be hard to imagine how the whole process works. It’s really pretty simple.

Let’s say you’ve hired someone to design your logo. A typical scenario for this might be that, after an initial consultation call, your designer will present 3 logo designs for your review. Sometimes a designer will also include notes on the thought process behind each design. When you get first designs, my personal suggestion is not to make an immediate decision; instead, take some time with them, sleep on them, let them sink in, and revisit them with fresh eyes a few times. This is, after all, what a designer often does during the creative process: in several sittings on different days, your designs are sketched on paper, rendered digitally (where even more exploration takes place), met with plenty of trial and error, and ultimately fine-tuned and presented to you…

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50 reasons not to date a graphic designer

1. They are very weird people.

2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.

3. They will analyse conversations in layers.

4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.

5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.

6. They hate each other.

7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.

8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.

9. They **** up all the tables with their cutters.

10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.

11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.

12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.

13. They make collages with your photos.

14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.

15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.

16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.

17. They ask your opinion about everything but they do whatever they want.

18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.

19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.

20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.

21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.

22. They steal street signs.

23. Always carry their hands painted with something.

24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.

25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …

26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)

27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.

28. They hate Excel.

29. They read comics.

30. They want to save the world only with a poster.

31. You will spend the day brainstorming.

32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.

33. Museums are their second home.

34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.

35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.

36. They listen to music you have never heard of.

37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.

38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …

39. When you are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.

40. They have own iPods before you knew they existed.

41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia.

42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.

43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.

44. You will never understand their gifts.

45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.

46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearim them screaming “When is the deadline?”

47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.

48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.

49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.

50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.

From 50 reasons not to date a graphic designer | a bourbon for silvia via the Design Forums

Promotional Tips 11…20…

(11) Sponsor a Client’s Event.
Sponsoring a client’s event can get your name out to all of the client’s contacts as well as remind your client that you are a valuable resource to them.

(12) Offer Free Consultations to Potential Customers.
Sometimes just offering the free consultation will land you the job, however, sometimes it won’t. When a client meets with you, you already have your foot in the door, so I think that it is worth the risk (if you are just starting out that is). Continue reading

Promotional Tips

Hey i’m back with some of the top promotional tips, what a designer can do for you!

(1) Give Away FreeStuff with Your Design Business’s Name and Contact Information.
Go to where your target customers hang out and set up a booth or table. Give out some FreeStuff and a flyer or leaflet as well. Some examples of freebies include free magnets, rubber bands, rulers, note pads, etc. All of these items should have your information printed on them.

(2) Free Demonstrations of Your Services.
Go to local print shops, office supply stores, and other local stores and offer to give free demonstrations of your services. You can also offer lessons as well. Continue reading

Guidelines: Sending Digital Files for Printing!!!

The following guidelines will help you to prepare your digital files for Pre-Press Processing (Printing). It contains required information and explanations of common terms to help you communicate better with your printer.
Create documents in Page Layout Programs such as CorelDraw, Freehand, InDesign, Illustrator, Quark or PageMaker

  • Document:  Create your document in the exact size of the final trimmed piece. For example, if you are creating a lettersize multiple-page document with facing pages, your page size would be 8.5″×11″, not 11″×17″.
  • Master Page: Use the master page to place common items such as page numbers in the same location on multiple pages. (InDesign, Quark & PageMaker)
  • Spreads: If multiple-page documents, create in reader’s spreads. If cross-over facing pages, images should be divided into two separate picture boxes and aligned on their respective pages.
  • Bitmap Scale: Scale bitmap images not more than 10% up or down from their original size. A drastic enlargement will cause loss of detail and a drastic reduction may extend imaging time and delay your job.
  • Bleed: Extend images that bleed off the document page by an 1/8″ (standard).
  • Colors: Delete all unwanted colors from the color palette (EPS and page layout files).
  • Image Linking: Link images in your Illustrator and FreeHand files. Do not embed them.
Tip: Remember to include any special Quark Xtensions you may have used to create your document.
Tip: Creating files in drawing programs such as Illustrator, FreeHand or CorelDraw can sometimes incur additional charges by printers. Continue reading

Why use a Graphic Designer?

People often wonder how businesses become truly successful. There are several elements that create success in business. One element is graphic design and quality advertising. A good graphic designer can be your best friend for marketing and growing your business.

Graphic Design can be a lot of things to many people. A strong identity design – logo and supporting themes – can be the needed edge to push your company to its fullest potential. When you team a strong identity with an advertising campaign you are sure to boost awareness of your company and create additional traffic – whether it be on foot or online. Quality graphic design is the hidden reason for the success of many companies and the downfall of companies that do not take advantage of the experience and expertise of a graphic designer.

Graphic Designers are your key resource to logo design, letterhead and business card design, print and web advertising, annual reports, web design, and many more design options.

Harsh Desaur has experienced in all these areas of design and will work with you to develop the best designs and strategies for your business and your budget. Browse through the portfolio, then give Desaur a call today and get a jump start on the road to success today.